Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Relegion and marraige health Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Relegion and marraige health - Assignment Example Two related journals will be used to further substantiate the findings. Studying this topic will help us understand the influence religion has on marriage. The findings of religion health relationship have tremendously increased over the years. It will help in making informed decisions on how religion affects marriage and how to handle this situation. The questions asked are, The relationship between marriage and religion is complex in the context of church attendance during a week. Many of researches carried out have shown a deep relation as to why some marriages are not healthy due to one party in the marriage frequenting the church a lot in a week. Contrary to that, also different results have been derived from the same hypothesis. Some marriages have grown healthier because of frequenting the church (Marks). Irrespective of the religious affiliation, the results of the studies differ a little when it comes to the health of the marriage. It has been found that married couples that attend the church many times a week together have a healthier marriage than married couples who do not frequent the church together In this paper, the z-test was used to get these results. The test was used to sample thought of over 30 people. The valuable measures are H0: P = P0 against H1: P>

Monday, October 28, 2019

Why Religion and God Are Not Necessary in Modern Day Society Essay Example for Free

Why Religion and God Are Not Necessary in Modern Day Society Essay 88% of us claim to be religious. Religion has been around since 223,000 BCE. The world would be nothing without it. You can’t get a sense of history or the language of Britain without having to study religious texts. But is religion necessary in the 21st century? The simple answer is no. No, we don’t need to believe in religious stories to feel comforted, no we don’t need to believe in an omnipotent being, no we don’t need to believe in God to be good people and no, religion is certainly not necessary in modern day society. As an atheist and a humanist, people often ask me how I can possibly be a good person or have moral values. This makes the erroneous assumption that the only reason they aren’t out mugging, murdering and mutilating is that they are afraid of God; that the only reason they are good is because they are scared to be bad, which is a very ignoble reason to be good. How contemptible would we be if the only reason we didn’t kill was because we were scared of getting punished? The reason we should be good is completely the opposite. Because there is no afterlife, such as heaven or hell, we have only one life here on Earth. Because of this, we should live it to the best we can, and be good people. So no, believing in a religion is emphatically not necessary to be a good person. One thing that always crops up in a debate of this kind is that religion comforts people so why should we fight against it? The answer is simple; because it’s not true. If your father died, it would be comforting to tell you that he hadn’t died, he was away fighting against evil in a faraway land, but that doesn’t mean that we should let your mother tell you that. It’s false. Surely, as intelligent people, we should prefer the truth over something that comforts us, leaving a trail of false hope behind. Prayer, similarly, gives false hope. People all over the world are praying for loved ones in hospital, or another type of trouble. The facts remain. Prayer only â€Å"works† an infinitesimally small amount of the time for Christians. The same applies to Muslims, and Jews and Hindus and Sikhs, etc. Realistically, I would get the same success results by praying to a rock. There is no proof it works. Prayer has an ugly side. There are people in the world who are throwing away treatment for their life threatening illness, all under a false pretence that God will heal them. These people die year after year, but still more and more people are refusing real, medical help. Religion is absolutely not necessary to comfort the grieving or needy. Let’s focus on our country for a moment. In 2011, the UK’s census found that 55% of adults in the UK say they are Christian. One week after, the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science put out a poll by ipsos mori directed to those who were down as Christian. When asked why they think of themselves as Christian, the research found that fewer than 28% say one of the reasons is that they believe in the teachings of Christianity. People are much more likely to consider themselves to be Christian because they were christened or baptised into the religion (72%) or because their parents were members of the religion (38%) than because of personal belief. Many who self-identify as Christian hold beliefs that some churches would consider to be incompatible with traditional Christian teaching, such as astrology and reincarnation (27% in each case), ghosts (36%) and fate (64%). Asked why they had been recorded as Christian in the 2011 Census, only 31% said it was because they genuinely try to follow the Christian religion, with 41% saying it was because they try to be a good person and for some unfathomable reason associate that exclusively with Christianity. When asked where they seek most guidance in questions of right and wrong, only 10% said it was from religious teachings or beliefs, with 54% preferring to draw on their own inner moral sense. How can we possibly say that religion is necessary in the UK in the 21st century when we are clearly no longer a â€Å"Christian nation†? Religion is in no way necessary for the good of the country anymore. So, when religion professes to be necessary for moral, supporting or national reasons, it’s wrong. Rather than helping people cope with death, helping people make moral decisions or creating the â€Å"backbone of our society†, as the Catholic Church professed in 2001, what does religion do in the modern day? Well, religion leaves a trail of false hope. Religious buildings avoid ? 44,041,939,000’s worth of taxes which still have to be paid by someone, so the taxpayer has to then give, give, give. Religious organisations such as the Catholic Church spread lies like â€Å"condoms increase the chance of getting AIDS†, leaving thousands of people infected in Africa. Religion segregates children in faith schools; it halts scientific progress and all of this to do with an outdated, unsubstantiated, fabricated fairy tale written thousands of years ago. Religion is not necessary and never again will be.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

A Comparison of The Trial and The Metamorphosis :: comparison compare contrast essays

A Comparison of The Trial and The Metamorphosis      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Two of Kafkas' most predominate works, The Trial and The Metamorphosis, are very similar in many aspects, yet also have unique differences. Many of these similarities and differences are very obvious, but also there are subtle comparisons that the reader might not pick up while reading. One would think, after reading both stories, that the differences outweigh the similarities, but that is not entirely true. Not only should the reader view the style of the writing when comparing the two, but also the setting and plot of the two stories. Both stories relate to loneliness, frustration and individuals threatened by anonymous forces beyond comprehension or control.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Although the struggle between these anonymous forces are a lot more evident in The Metamorphosis, they are also seen throughout The Trial. In The Metamorphosis, the anonymous force is whatever, or whoever, changed Gregor Samsa into an insect. In The Trial, the struggle is more complex. Joseph K struggles to find the true meaning behind his arrest. He searches for answers related to his case, but no one can give him a clear answer as to why he was arrested. Not even the inspector that arrested him,    "These gentlemen here and myself have no standing whatever in this affair of yours, indeed we know hardly anything about it. We might wear the most official uniforms and your case would not be a penny worse. I can't even confirm that you are charged with an offense, or rather, I don't know whether you are." (p 12)    As you can see, K has no luck getting information regarding his case. In fact, from the time he was first put under arrest to when he was killed, he never encountered the anonymous force that issued the arrest. The same is true for The Metamorphosis. Gregor never finds out exactly what turned him in to an insect, and why. This is the dominate issue in both stories, and a prime example of similarity in Kafkas' stories.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another similarity in the two stories is how Kafka used surrealism. Surrealism in The Metamorphosis is obvious, as Gregor's sudden change into a bug is quite surreal by itself. In The Trial, there are many subtle examples. Perhaps the best example is the scene with the whipper.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Abortion Pill

â€Å"The abortion pill should be banned due to the negative consequences it causes to women† ________ Abstract The New Era's freedom of sexuality and contraception's campaigns had reached all the world, leading as a consequence the fact that in every country there are more and more unwanted pregnancies. Conception has been debated for so long, and there's not a scientific posture accepted officially by any nation, so due to desperation, medical experts had created what appeared to be -for some- the solution to unplanned pregnancies, the abortion pill.The components of this pill are lethal if the it doesn't work as it meant to be, psychological and physical effects can remain forever in women's life, without even a possible cure, depending on the cases. The purpose of this essay is to proof that its better to think before making any decision that will bring serious impacts in people's life, including family and of course, society; abortion with the pill its not easier or less painful than the other ways. INTRODUCTIONAbortion had been part of our history from many years ago, but do we really know how it appeared and how it influences negatively our society?. I shall began the development of this controversial subject by exposing the genesis of abortion; the first evidence of induced abortion is from the Egyptian Ebers Papyrus near the 1550 BC, but it was in China were this matter became a concurrent practice between women, so according to Chinese folklore, the Emperor Shennong prescribed mercury to induce abortions.In primitive cultures, they used physical activities as a way to interrupt pregnancy, such as climbing, weightlifting or diving, while others tend to use plants and its poisons or pouring hot water into the abdomen. Some archaeological discoveries indicate that surgical attempts to extract the fetus existed in these cultures. In Greece and Rome, abortion was practiced as well. Hippocrates, a Greek physician forbid the use of pessaries or vagina l suppositories to induce the interruption; apparently because they caused vaginal ulcers, in an oath for doctors.In the other hand, Scribonius Largus, a Roman famous doctor said that â€Å"Hippocrates, who founded our profession, laid the foundation for our discipline by an oath in which it was proscribed not to give a pregnant woman a kind of medicine that expels the embryo or fetus†[1]; the interpretation of this oath was only applied for women who were not prostitutes, because otherwise they would have to use methods such as jumping and touching their buttocks with their heels on each leap.There were found likewise certain objects described as instruments that apparently dilated cervix and curette inside of the uterus. Moving on to the second and third century, Tertullian, a Christian theologian, described surgical implements that were part of a procedure very close to what now we call dilation and evacuation, it consisted on a tool like an annular blade to curette and a blunted or covered hook to extract the fetus, they would use as well a copper needle or spike.Tertullian said that this procedures could take place only when the fetus was in an abnormal position in the womb and it would endanger the life of the mother, or when it had expired in the uterus[2]. Hyppolytus of Rome, wrote about women that binded tightly themselves around the middle in order to expel what was being conceived. Later on from 5th century to 18th, appeared new methods of abortions. The most popular one was to sit over a pot of steamed onions or to massage pressuring the abdomen to expulsion the baby.The physical means remained represented this time by battery or tightening the girdle, these were special bands worn while being pregnant to support the belly. In New Zealand, before colonization, drugs, religious ceremonies and the restriction belt were used. In Asia, the peasant Japanese women were hit till they abort, a proof of this are the statues erected in memory of abort ion in the Temple of Yokohama. In Cambodia's temples in their walls are some decorating paintings that shows a demon performing an abortion upon a oman who has been sent to the underworld for committing such a crime. In the 19th century, there were notorious advances in surgery, anesthesia and sanitation, and abortion was banned in the United States of America. Even though, research has shown that the most common and illegal method by that time was the flush inside the uterus. In France, family planning writers convinced the society that abortion was a logical solution to unwanted pregnancies. Women got desperate and started using objects such as spoons, sticks, candles and knives to abort.Statistics show that abortion remained dangerous and that 150,000 abortions that occurred annually in the U. S during the 20th century, one in six resulted in death[3]. The natural abortifacients were the inspiration for the creation of the abortion pill, this included botanical preparations with Italian catnip, cyperus, pennyroyal (which is lethal), savin, opium, lavender and thyme, even animals were used like crushed ants, saliva of camels and hairs of deers and even bear's fat.The abortion pill began in New York during the 1830's by Madame Restell who illicitly provided surgical abortion and the pill. She offered confidence and a good job, she called them â€Å"Female Monthly Regulation Pills†, the labels she used as advertising told about birth control and a possible miscarriage. Her purpose was to help women at first, but hen it became a millionaire business and she took advantage of it, extending her services not only to unmarried women who were pregnant, but also to those who were married and didn't want a baby yet, leading to the pioneer of family limitation of the time.She remained forty years in the market and was always the main target of criticism, she got arrested in 1841 and committed suicide in 1878[4]. The abortion pill's main component is called Mifep ristone, which is a synthetic steroid used as a pharmaceutical. Its both used as a contraceptive and an abortifacient during the first two months of pregnancy. It was discovered by Georges Teutsch, developed in Roussel-Uclaf Co. in 1980 but bettered by Emile Baulieu, who made tests of its use in eleven women in Switzerland at the University of Geneva's Cantonal Hospital, the results ere successful and in 1988 France announced its approval, despite antiabortion movements that took place. French government decided to distribute it free of charge and near 34,000 women used this pill for a short period of time, until Roussel-Uclaf settled a price. Mifepristone was introduced to Great Britain and Sweden in 1991, this is when the Roman Catholic Church protested and blocked all types of distribution of the abortion pill. After all boycotts, Exegyl in 1999 got the approval of Mifegyne (Mifepristone) in eleven additional countries and in 28 countries over the following decades.This medicine is approved for: Medical termination of pregnancies (up to 49 days of gestation), dilation of the cervix prior to mechanical cervical dilatation and labor induction in fetal death inside the uterus. This is sold in the U. S, and a 600 mg dose is administered combined with the proper counseling session; then 400 mg of misoprostol is given to the patient in order to provoke contractions, the accuracy of this method is calculated in the 92% of the cases, and if its not, then surgical procedure takes place.Its obvious that the purpose of this pill is to end up with life and bring to the whole world a new era of irresponsibility and freedom of sexual relations without contraceptive methods and promiscuity. Abortion's consequences can be referred as physical and psychological, though it varies from woman to woman, it depends on the organism and how it works, as well as moral and ethic values. Regarding physical aspect, it is proven by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists t hat this method has a risk of 0. 23% of failure and could lead to negative consequences for the mother[5].The list of complications can begin with abdominal pain, uterine cramping and vaginal bleeding from 9 up to 16 days, even though the last research show that almost 8% of women experienced bleeding for at least 30 days and between 4. 5 and 7. 9% of women require a surgical intervention, as we know this can lead to a more dangerous procedure. Nausea, vomiting, fatigue and diarrhea with fever are some other side effects. As we can see, its not only getting rid of a life, but jeopardizing your own body's health. The worst physical effect could be the Pelvic Inflammatory Disease also alled PID, which affects not only the uterus, but also the fallopian tubes and the ovaries by scarring inside the reproductive organs. Infections might take place due to viral, fungal, parasitic and bacterial infections. Over 100,00 women become infertile in the US each year because of PID[6], it can als o cause appendicitis, ruptured ovarian cysts and even tumors. This disease may be curable but in the worst of cases it can be permanent if the infection is in the fallopian tubes or ovaries, to avoid all this complications is through prevention.Infertility maybe a result of the use of the pill, this is the proof that using it is like playing to the roulette, you don't know what you are going to get afterwards. Neonatal exposure to a single large dose of Mifepristone causes both functional and structural reproductive abnormalities. In fact, 71 cases registered between 1987 and 1998 as continued pregnancy after the failure of using the pill, it is estimated that about 405,000 medical terminations of pregnancy using Mifepristone in the United Kingdom, France and Sweden.In 21 of the cases, Mifepristone was used alone, and in the others it was combined with misoprostol, sulprotone, gamesprost and an unspecified prostagladin. The research concluded that eight cases from the 71 embryos wer e malformed[7]. There's another example occurred in Brazil, a study showed that 42 infants ex[posed to the abortion pill (200-1600mg dose), had defects after their mothers fail in interrupting pregnancy during the first three months of gestation, proving that this problem is not only in Europe and North America, its also an issue of Latin America countries.Consequences are not just about physical, psychological might be even worse. Researches has been interested in post-abortion reactions, concluding in a period of psychiatric emotional paralysis, also called numbness; this mean women are unable to express any feeling or emotion, in order to finally get over it. Between 40 and 60% of women questioned reported negative reactions, 55% expressed guilt even after weeks of having committed abortion, 44% had nervous disorders, 36% had sleep lack, 31% experimented regrets and 11% has prescription of psychotropic medicine.These results are really alarming considering that these studies were made 8 weeks after abortion. Another research was based in interviewing 500 women, the 10% of them agreed that they had serious psychiatric complications and the 50% experienced negative feelings and hate for themselves. Statistics reveal that sex life of aborting women is affected dramatically represented by the 30-50% of sexual dysfunctions, losing pleasure for intercourse, pain and aversion to sex even males; or by the contrary promiscuous life style.As a result, most of them end up pregnant again to make up for what they did before. Teenagers that tend to abort, have higher risks of living with psychological perturbations forever, even more if they are under 17 years old; symptoms include self-reproach, depression, social regression, withdrawal, obsession to become pregnant again and hasty marriages[8]. Data indicates that there's a five tot en year period of denial of a woman who is traumatized by abortion in which she may repress all her feelings, avoid people, situations or events that could remind her of that episode.But it's not over at all, other women might feel pleased at first, but decades later they will burst into an emotional crisis, mainly during menopause, abortion is like a ghost chasing women's memories. Family is also affected by abortion, this is because all these psychological reactions increase the self-destructive behavior, the 80% percent of the questioned women expressed to feel self-hatred. The 49% reported drug abuse and the 39% began abusing from alcohol.Near the 14% accepted becoming alcoholic or addicted after the abortion period, the most worrying fact is that more than the half of them with the 60% have thought about suicide only the 28% succeeded in the attempt more than two or three times[9]. Considering all these numbers and information based on multiple studies done for years, it's time to educate our society in first place to avoid all this terrible and unnecessary nightmare women have to live everyday, because abortion unfortunately is an everyday issue.Women should analyze all the risks they are running only for some minutes of pleasure, responsibility is the most assertive way to handle sex life, the use of contraception had been promoted worldwide constantly since long time ago, so there's basically no excuse for acting selfish regarding a pregnancy. Is understood as well that there's non consensual intercourse, but never the less there other solutions for an unwanted child such as giving him/her up for adoption, since there are so many families wanting so much to have children without the opportunity to.The government is the one that should encourage teenagers and in general all the population to think about this issue and impose policies that supports correct sexual education so abortion rate could decrease. Life is a gift from God that should be appreciated despite any fact, we have no right to decide if someone must live or die. Medicine and technology had helped society grow this last year s, but it doesn't mean we don't have to set up limits to it, we can't let them control our lives and our destiny.The abortion pill should be banned not only because of scientific facts shown before but for ourselves, to make a better place we can live in. This not only about one life and by being selfish, but about our community and the example we are leaving behind for our future generations. Methods like this jeopardize the integrity of family, the moral values that makes it the nucleus of the society, setting the standards of promiscuity and false sexual freedom. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Scribonius, Compositiones Praef. 5. 0–23 (Translated and cited in Riddle's history of contraception and abortion) 2. Celsus (1935). â€Å"Prooemium†. In W. G. Spencer. De medicinal.London: Heinemann. p. 457. OCLC  186696262. http://penelope. uchicago. edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Celsus/7*. html. 3. Streitmatter, Rodger (2001). Voices of Revolution. Columbia University Press. p. 169 4. Richard son, Cynthia Watkins (2002). â€Å"In the Eye of Power: The Notorious Madam Restell† (PDF). Khronikos (University of Maine) 5. The Care of Women Requesting Induced Abortion  : Evidence-based clinical uideline number 7. London 6. STD Facts – Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)†. http://www. cdc. gov/std/PID/STDFact-PID. htm. 7. UK multicentre study group. The efficacy and tolerance of Mifepristone and prostaglandin in termination of pregnancy of less than 63 days gestation; UK multicentre study—final results. Contraception 1997; 55: 1-5 8. Wallerstein,et. al. , â€Å"Psychosocial Sequelae of Therapeutic Abortion in Young Unmarried Women†, Archives of General Psychiatry (1972) vol. 27 9.Reardon,†Criteria for the Identification of High Risk Abortion Patients: Analysis of An In-Depth Survey of 100 Aborted Women†, Presented at the 1987 Paper Session of the Association for Interdisciplinary Research, Denver. 10. Wilke, Handbook on Abortion, (C incinnati, Hayes Publishing Co. , 1979 11. Zimmerman, Passage Through Abortion (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1977 ———————– [1]Scribonius, Compositiones Praef. 5. 20–23 (Translated and cited in Riddle's history of contraception and abortion) [2]Celsus (1935). â€Å"Prooemium†. In W. G. Spencer. De medicina.London: Heinemann. p. 457. OCLC  186696262. http://penelope. uchicago. edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Celsus/7*. html. 1. [3]Streitmatter, Rodger (2001). Voices of Revolution. Columbia University Press. p. 169 1. [4]Richardson, Cynthia Watkins (2002). â€Å"In the Eye of Power: The Notorious Madam Restell† (PDF). Khronikos (University of Maine). [5]The Care of Women Requesting Induced Abortion  : Evidence-based clinical guideline number 7. London [6]†STD Facts – Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)†. http://www. cdc. gov/std/PID/STDFact-PID. htm. [7]UK multicentre study group.The efficacy an d tolerance of Mifepristone and prostaglandin in termination of pregnancy of less than 63 days gestation; UK multicentre study—final results. Contraception 1997; 55: 1-5 [8]Wallerstein,et. al. , â€Å"Psychosocial Sequelae of Therapeutic Abortion in Young Unmarried Women†, Archives of General Psychiatry (1972) vol. 27 [9]Reardon,†Criteria for the Identification of High Risk Abortion Patients: Analysis of An In-Depth Survey of 100 Aborted Women†, Presented at the 1987 Paper Session of the Association for Interdisciplinary Research, Denver

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Tourism in LEDC’s creates environmental and social problems whilst bringing limited economic benefits

Tourism is now the world's biggest industry. It may be defined as the temporary visit of people to a region in which they do not live, for a period of more than 24 hours. Tourism has been promoted by the wealth of the developed countries, aided by the cheap flights offered by low cost airlines, and peoples increased leisure time and their desire to visit more exotic locations. The very nature of tourism brings large numbers of people to an area about which they may know very little. Many regions suffer environmental and social problems and this can be exacerbated by tourism. Also read this  Cheating in a Bottom Line Economy Tourism to Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDC's) is generally by wealthier people from More Economically Developed Countries (MEDC's). There is often a vast disparity between the relative poverty of local people in LEDC's and the wealth of visitors from MEDC's. The vast gap in wealth and a lack of respect for the natives by the tourists can cause resentment, but the LEDC's depend upon the income, which the foreigners bring to the areas they visit. LEDC's as the term implies, suffer from weak economies. Tourism is therefore particularly valuable since it is an export earner, bringing new money from foreign countries. Many LEDC's are now dependent on tourism as a source of revenue. However the flow of visitors can cause considerable problems for popular destinations. Social problems frequently arise from a clash of cultures between the tourists and the indigenous population. Tourists arrive at their destination and expect western food, standards and accommodation. This demand for a home environment brings about the gradual westernisation of shops and services. Local shops and family owned businesses soon find themselves unable to compete with the global dominance of large western firms including fast food chains such as McDonalds. The invasion of tourists particularly in smaller locations undermines the local way of life, resulting in the erosion of indigenous cultures. Such an influx of tourists can be degrading. In Papua New Guinea, ethical issues are raised when the poor natives are pressured into performing for tourist groups. Other islands such as Tonga and Fiji are suffering in the same way. The undermining of culture can lead to alienation, drunkenness, burglary and violent crime among natives. Bangkok and Pattaya in Thailand have become centres of the sex industry. Young girls are taken and even sold from poor agricultural communities and forced into prostitution at a young age and even child prostitution has developed. In Pattaya the beach resort has seen uncontrolled development of hotels and this has caused pollution of the sea to a point where swimming has been unattractive. You can read also Classifications of Restaurants The vast gap in wealth between the tourists and the residents causes considerable resentment and as a result tourists are often targets for theft and crime. The behaviour of tourists can also prompt attacks at popular clubbing destinations. Tourists often become drunk and are offensive to residents, starting fights and causing damage to property, creating conflict between the locals and the foreigners. In places such as the island of Bali, which is part of the world's largest archipelago of Indonesia, the inadequate coverage of clothing worn by tourists when they go out for the evening is insulting to the locals. Places such as Bali often have conservative dress codes as part of their religion and the tourists make no attempt to respect the customs of the locals. Western tourists are often attacked by extremists seeking to publicly display their opposition to the western culture. The most recent example was in the Bali bombing of 2002 by Al Quaeda, who are opposed to western values and their perceived impact upon Muslim countries. The attacks often have political motives and are an attempt to put pressure on the government to implement change. Environmental problems are also an issue for LEDC's. Airports are built, dramatically increasing the flow of tourists and often overwhelming local infrastructures. The vast numbers of visitors arriving at destinations put considerable pressure on the environment and national resources. The need to accommodate the tourists increases the demand for land. Often LEDC's do not have well developed legal and regulatory infrastructure so building regulation and planning laws are less stringent. Western companies and even native companies will exploit the country environmentally, constructing buildings in picturesque, sensitive and vulnerable environments. For example, in the Maldives, an archipelago in the Indian Ocean, luxury hotels have been built on formerly uninhabited islands attracting divers and fishermen who are endangering vulnerable species and the coral reefs. Simply the number of people visiting an area can cause erosion of beaches and footpaths and the damage to local habitats. Tourists often lack respect for the environments, which they visit. Mount Everest in Nepal is a popular destination for climbers and walkers, receiving up to 100,000 trekkers a year on popular routes. The tourists cut fuel wood, which has led to deforestation and consequent soil erosion. Also as they climb, tourists cast off items they do not wish to carry and as a result the paths towards the summit of Mount Everest has become littered with detritus and other rubbish discarded by trekkers. Popular tourist destinations suffer from a large influx of visitors causing seasonal congestion and demand for natural resources. There is a need for land, water and energy and in LEDC's people tend to provide these resources in the cheapest way possible, regardless of the environmental damage it may cause. Golf tourism creates problems because the landscape is manicured to provide the greens and fairways while vast amounts of water are required to maintain the courses. This has aggravated the existing water shortage in Thailand. Water shortages and water quality are major problems for developing countries and tourism can exacerbate these problems. Many countries depend upon tourism as the principal source of foreign currency. Some islands in the Caribbean such as Barbados rely on tourism but tourists come by cruise ships which can pollute the sea and beaches destroying the reefs and adversely affecting the life cycle of the flying fish which is the main fish stock of Barbados. Tourism brings vital economic benefits to LEDC's. The inflow of foreign money is valuable to the local economy. In Egypt and Jamaica over 60% of export income is derived from tourism. When a new demand is realised, goods and services are promoted in the area, resulting in a growth pole effect and the rapid expansion of tourism. It is beneficial because it provides income and employment for the residents. The demand for accommodation generates employment in construction and service industries. Once money is being spent in LEDC's the amount of money in the economic cycle has increased. The locals can then spend this money improving their businesses and homes. As the money continues to be spent, it will generate more demand for goods and services and thereby promoting economic growth. This multiplier effect will eventually have an effect on the overall development of the country, enabling the government to increase its tax revenue, improve the balance of payments and aid the overall development of the country. The improvements to services and living conditions, brought about by tourism may be shared by the local population. The transport and communications infrastructure is often the first improvement to be made followed by an increase in the range and quality of facilities offered. Better food is available, water supplies are installed and basic services such as waste disposal are introduced. All these can be enjoyed by the locals, and will increase their quality of life. If the money generated by tourism can be ploughed back into the country's own economy, then the economic benefits of tourism greatly out weigh the environmental and social problems. However this is not always the case. Leakages occur in the economic cycle depriving the country of the revenue vital to continued development. Foreign workers will send their wages abroad and payments to foreign owners of establishments such as hotels, restaurants and nightclubs will contribute to the Gross National Product of foreign countries. One of the greatest losses to regions in LEDC's is through costs to tour operators and the travel fares of airlines and ships. This means that in reality, LEDC's only receive a small proportion of the money spent on tourism. Jobs are often very poorly paid and therefore do not contribute significantly to the development of the country. The income may not filter down to the majority of the population but it may be siphoned off by the ruling elite. The problem of westernisation is considerable. Western companies, can exploit the tourism markets in LEDC's more effectively and more rapidly than any local businesses. The large western firms enjoy economies of scale making it difficult for smaller businesses and local entrepreneurs to compete. The western visitors demand western goods, many of which would be regarded as luxury goods to the locals. These have to be imported from abroad causing yet another leakage out of the economy. Another example is the beautiful island of Phuket in Thailand, which has been over taken by tourist developments in what could be described as ‘neo-colonialism'. This is where the hotels and beaches are owned by multinational companies and most of the profits are taken outside the country. In these circumstances tourism can alienate the local people by drawing them from their traditional agricultural employment but having a negative impact upon their local culture and environment. This has been the case in Gambia on the west coast of Africa. Problems also arise in LEDC's because there is inadequate infrastructure to control growth. The sudden demand by tourism promotes a dynamic expansion, which cannot be sustained if there is a downturn in the tourist flow. The areas receiving money can also become so dependent on the money derived from tourism that a change in fashion and the decline in visitors and revenue may result in the collapse of the local economy. For example the instability caused by the disputes between the Turkish and Greek populations has undermined tourism in Cyprus LEDC's often have vulnerable government structures and a change in the political climate can have negative impacts on the tourist industry. The regime introduced by President Mugabe in Zimbabwe has destroyed much of the tourism industry. His policy of returning farmland owned by white farmers to the native population has destabilised the country. There has been a massive downturn in tourism and the game reserves and associated tourist facilities have closed causing unemployment and a knock on effect on the protection of the environment and the wildlife. For economic benefits to be obtained by LEDC's from tourism, there needs to be an effective distribution of income, towards improving the structure and balance of economic activities. Money invested in valuable schemes and projects can generate more income for the country. However this requires a certain level of organisation and only those LEDC's with more sophisticated levels of development are effective in promoting greater economic prosperity. Often the money generated by tourism is widely used to improve some of the problems it actually causes. The revenue which tourism generates can lead to a sustainable long-term use and investment in the environment. For example in Zimbabwe, prior to recent political developments, ecologically sustainable tourism has been pioneered through innovative schemes known as ‘Campfire' projects. These projects have allowed the local people to have greater control over both tourism and poaching. The locals are given control and management over the wildlife in the National Parks. They can set up hunting trips for tourists and charge them for the privilege. This is beneficial because it ensures that the revenue from tourism goes to the local people. However it also means that it is in the residents' own interests to look after the wildlife and has therefore resulted in a drop in poaching. Money can also be used for the benefit and protection of the environment in other ways. Trends towards eco tourism can arrest the worst excesses of tourism. The government of the Seychelles has developed strict laws to protect the island's beauty and unique wildlife. Money can be spent on the restoration and protection of beaches. For example boardwalks have also been installed on the beach at Goa to prevent people from eroding the footpaths. Other places which have unique and sensitive environments, such as the Galapagos Islands have undertaken to protect the endangered species and their habitats. Specific trails have been marked out to avoid areas known to be inhabited by animals and guides are employed to ensure that the tourists keep to the routes. As a result both in Zimbabwe National Park and at the Galapagos Islands, animals receive better protection as a consequence of tourism. Tourism can also have social benefits. Contrary to the fears that indigenous cultures are eroded by tourism, it can actually sustain traditions. Tourism promotes the development of art and craft industries to reinforce local cultural identity. Tourists are often interested in the native dances and will pay to view traditional dances and customs. This also ensures that the dances are passed down the generations and are not lost. The jewellery produced and worn by locals can be sold and therefore there is an incentive to retain the traditions. Tourism also increases the demand for guides and workers who are knowledgeable about the area in which they live. As a result there has been an increase in the training, skills and general education of the people living in popular tourist destinations. International tourism can bring great economic benefit but it is vital that stringent controls are introduced to direct and limit levels in areas of environmental and social sensitivity. Tourism can only generate economic benefits if the region and it inhabitants are the recipients of the revenue. It is therefore vital that leakages in the economic cycle are limited and that the money received by the region is used effectively to promote and monitor tourist levels. If the income derived from tourism is used productively many of the side effects can be limited. Ultimately the economic benefits must outweigh social and environmental problems; otherwise there would be no incentive to promote tourism.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Write an MBA Essay

How to Write an MBA Essay Most graduate business programs require applicants to submit at least one MBA essay as part of the application process. Admissions committees use essays, along with other application components, to determine whether or not you are a good fit for their business school. A well-written MBA essay can increase your chances of acceptance and help you stand out among other applicants.Choosing an MBA Essay TopicIn most cases, you will be assigned a topic or instructed to answer a specific question. However, there are some schools that allow you to choose a topic or select from a short list of provided topics.If you are given the opportunity to choose your own MBA essay topic, you should make strategic choices that allow you to highlight your best qualities. This may include an essay that demonstrates your leadership ability, an essay that showcases your ability to overcome obstacles, or an essay that clearly defines your career goals.Chances are, you will be asked to submit multiple essays - usually two or three. You may also have the opportunity to submit an optional essay. Optional essays are usually guideline and topic free, which means you can write about anything you want. Find out when to use the optional essay.Whatever topic you choose, be sure to come up with stories that support the topic or answer a specific question. Your MBA essay should be focused and feature you as the central player.Common MBA Essay TopicsRemember, most business schools will provide you with a topic to write on. Although topics can vary from school to school, there are a few common topics/questions that can be found on many business school applications. They include: Why attend this business school?What are your career goals?What are your short-term and long-term goals?What will you do with your degree?How will a degree help you achieve your goals?Why do you want an MBA?What matters to you most and why?What are your strengths and weaknesses?What is your biggest accomplishment?What is your biggest regret?How have you failed in the past?How do you respond to adversity?What challenges have you overcome?Who do you admire most and why?Who are you?How will you contribute to this program?Why do you have leadership potential?How do you explain weaknesses in your academic record? Answer the QuestionOne of the biggest mistakes that MBA applicants make is not answering the question they are asked. If you are asked about your professional goals, then professional goals - not personal goals - should be the focus of the essay. If you are asked about your failures, you should discuss mistakes you have made and lessons you have learned - not accomplishments or success.Stick to the topic and avoid beating around the bush. Your essay should be direct and pointed from start to finish. It should also focus on you. Remember, an MBA essay is meant to introduce you to the admissions committee. You should be the main character of the story. It is okay to describe admiring someone else, learning from someone else, or helping someone else, but these mentions should support the story of you - not cover it up.See another MBA essay mistake to avoid.Basic Essay TipsAs with any essay assignment, youll want to carefully follow any instructions you are given. Again, answer the quest ion assigned to you - keep it focused and concise. It is also important to pay attention to word counts. If you are asked for a 500-word essay, you should aim for 500 words, rather than 400 or 600. Make every word count.Your essay should also be readable and grammatically correct. The entire paper should be free of errors. Do not use special paper or a crazy font. Keep it simple and professional. Above all, give yourself enough time to write your MBA essays. You don’t want to have to slop through them and turn in something thats less than your best work simply because you had to meet a deadline.See a list of essay style tips.More Essay Writing Tips Take time to reflect on yourself, your goals, your accomplishments, your strengths, your weaknesses, etc. before you begin writing your essay.Research the school until you have a good understanding of the schools mission, culture, programs, and approach.Create an outline to organize your ideas before you start writing.Use anecdotes and personal stories to make your essay original.Dont be too academic - an MBA essay isnt a term paper. It is a marketing packet designed to introduce you.Be specific and detailed. Use examples. Support your statements.Keep it real. You want to impress, but honesty is key.Dont be afraid to be creative. If youre asked where you see yourself five years from now, you can avoid the standard answer and write a diary entry for that day in the future or pretend that youre telling your children about your first job after grad school.Make your essay interesting. Some admissions reps read more than 1,000 essays answering the same question. Hook them with the intro a nd keep them interested throughout to make your essay stand out among everyone elses. Remember that the #1 rule when writing an MBA essay is to answer the question/stay on topic. When you have finished your essay, ask at least two people to proofread it and guess the topic or question you were trying to answer. If they do not guess correctly, you should revisit the essay and adjust the focus until your proofreaders can easily tell what the essay is supposed to be about.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Cheer essays

Cheer essays Most movies about lesbians and gays show some kind of confusion in their characters, whether it be they themselves or their straight friends and/or family. +But Im A Cheerleader was a corny comedy. *The main characters were confused and unsure about their sexuality; the plot was directly to the point; the humor was corny. I think that the homosexual characters were confused because their family and friends had sent them to a place called True Directions. This is suppose to be like a rehab for alcoholics but instead for homosexuals. True Directions main goal is to convert their nasty homo tendencies into normal heterosexual lives. Right off the bat they are forced to admit that they are homosexuals whether or not they believe they truly are gay. Megan, one of the so-called raging bull dikes is unsure of her sexuality and feelings. Marry, the director of True Directions says Its a long path to righteousness Megan, and its a battlefield of temptation out there and until then you will have to fight. This caused confusion for Megan because she was not yet ready to believe she was a dyke. I mean after all she was a cheerleader. 2 I believe that the plot was straight to the point. All throughout the movie, the True Direction counselors teach/say that homosexuality is wrong. Megan has been told by her parents that if she chooses the gay lifestyle, they cannot condone it, nor will they allow her to remain in their household. There are two counselors for true directions one for the boys and girls. The counselors make them do training activities to help them become heterosexual. Mike, an out-of-drag Rupaul Charles, says If I catch you looking at another man like that, ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

16 Inspirational Christmas Quotes

16 Inspirational Christmas Quotes We wait a year to celebrate Christmas. Yet when we plan our celebration, we tend to forget those who serve us unfailingly. We gather around the Christmas tree with friends and family. But we forget to invite those who are alone in this world. This Christmas, bring joy to others with an act of kindness. Use these inspirational Christmas quotes to teach you the real meaning of giving. George Matthew Adams, The Christmas Heart: Let us remember that the Christmas heart is a giving heart, a wide open heart that thinks of others first. The birth of the baby Jesus stands as the most significant event in all history, because it has meant the pouring into a sick world the healing medicine of love which has transformed all manner of hearts for almost two thousand years... Underneath all the bulging bundles is this beating Christmas heart. Taylor Caldwell: I am not alone at all, I thought. I was never alone at all. And that, of course, is the message of Christmas. We are never alone. Not when the night is darkest, the wind coldest, the world seemingly most indifferent. For this is still the time God chooses. Ann Schultz: Let us keep Christmas beautiful without a thought of greed, that it might live forevermore to fill our every need, that it shall not be just a day, but last a lifetime through, the miracle of Christmas time that brings God close to you. Helen Keller: The only real blind person at Christmas-time is he who has not Christmas in his heart. Charles Dickens: It was always said of him, that he knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge. May that be truly said of us, and all of us! And so, as Tiny Tim observed, God Bless Us, Every One! Dale Evans Rogers: Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, its Christmas. Bess Streeter Aldrich: Christmas Eve was a night of song that wrapped itself about you like a shawl. But it warmed more than your body. It warmed your heart... filled it, too, with melody that would last forever. Alexander Smith: Christmas is the day that holds all time together. Wendy Cope: Bloody Christmas, here again, let us raise a loving cup, peace on earth, goodwill to men, and make them do the washing up. Louisa May Alcott: The rooms were very still while the pages were softly turned and the winter sunshine crept in to touch the bright heads and serious faces with a Christmas greeting. Alfred, Lord Tennyson: The time draws near the birth of Christ: The moon is hid; the night is still; the Christmas bells from hill to hill answer each other in the mist. Mother Teresa: It is Christmas every time you let God love others through you... yes, it is Christmas every time you smile at your brother and offer him your hand. Orson Welles: Now Im an old Christmas tree, the roots of which have died. They just come along and while the little needles fall off me replace them with medallions. Ruth Carter Stapleton: Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it most. W. C. Jones: The joy of brightening other lives, bearing each others burdens, easing others loads and supplanting empty hearts and lives with generous gifts becomes for us the magic of Christmas. Bob Hope: My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Severe Storm class Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Severe Storm class - Assignment Example the heavy storm was issued by the NWS; specifically, residents of the Mid-Atlantic were notified that the storm could reduce visibility up to a level of  ¼ miles for a period of one to three hours. Consequently, the National Weather Service also predicted and warned the residents of the region that the heavy storm would lead to heavy flooding that could affect locomotion along major highways (, n.p). The heavy rains subjected the Mid-Atlantic region to severe rainfall floods: Some of these regions are also usually vulnerable to coastal flooding, majorly caused by hurricanes or even tropical cyclones. However, recently as a result of the heavy rainfall, they were affected by rainfall flooding, which specifically affected the Virginia and Pennsylvania. Maryland was also affected by the flood and approximately 9,300 people had to go without power supply from 7:18am (, n.p). In Pennsylvania, the rainfall flooding caused a mudslide that led to the closure of the Lincoln Borough Road and approximately 30 people had to be evacuated after the flooding damaged their houses. According news that was provided by the NBC News Station, several schools were closed, specifically schools in Warren, Shenandoah as well as in Fredrick Counties due to the heavy storms that led to the high level of flooding in the region (, n.p). Within the same state, officials in Charlottesville reported damaged roads, fallen trees and other aspects of damaged environment due to heavy rainfall flooding. Several Roads were also closed in Virginia i.e. Roads along Rivanna River. Other states that were also affected by heavy rainfall flooding were: Illinois, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Texas, and Washington DC among others. The rainfall that caused the heavy flooding within the Mid-Atlantic Region caused serious social problems among the residents of the region. To begin with, a substantial number of residents in the region had to go

Friday, October 18, 2019

Business Media Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business Media - Case Study Example If the story leaks out of the newsroom to the public, a conflict is likely to develop between CBC and Canadian Air. The management may decide to lay off the journalist for having disregarded the company’s code of ethics. The case shows a conflict of interest between what the reporter believes and what the company upholds as the morals of its employees. The dilemma of what should be the solution requires that concerned parties consider five approaches. The first should be consideration of what good and harm may come out of the decision. The second is what moral standards and rights the two parties hold. The third is what decision gives everyone concerned equal treatment. The fourth is a consideration of what decision provides the common right, and lastly which action creates morality. This work describes the decision-making process, which is the most suitable for the case of the two institutions. CBC media has a clause in its code of ethics, which addresses conflict of interest (CBC 1). The provision requires that the workers at the company preserve the integrity of the organization. The case presented in this work is an expression of situations when conflict of interest is a reality. The journalist has to consider that Air Canada is one of the most loyal customers to the company. For such a case, there is a need that the media house does not expose the problems of the airline. As much as the case may be a reality, the code of ethics supported by the ethical models of decision-making, demand that the story must not appear in the airwaves. Considerably, there are many models of ethical decision-making each with a different approach, but fashioned to attain a solution. The Utilitarianism model is the center stage as the most appropriate for this case (Lea, Williams, and Donahue 234). Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart advanced the theory, which distinguishes

Spanish vs. English colonization of America Essay - 1

Spanish vs. English colonization of America - Essay Example Spanish conquest and colonization. There were millions of people living in the Americas when Christopher Columbus arrived in 1492. In the following centuries the population of the Native Americans decreased steadily (Brading 48). The writings of the Dominican friar Bartolomà © de Las Casas vividly depict atrocities committed on the natives by the Spanish conquistadors. â€Å"It was a general rule among Spaniards to be cruel; not just cruel, but extraordinarily cruel so that harsh and bitter treatment would prevent Indians from daring to think of themselves as human beings or hav-ing a minute to think at all.† (Las Casas 70). At the same time, the Spanish rulers in America were unhappy at the high mortality rate of the natives, since they wanted to exploit the Indians laborers. The Spaniards were committed to converting their American subjects to Christianity, often by force. However, as Cook mentions (94), â€Å"American groups simply blended Catholicism with their traditional beliefs, which could not have been regarded as a success†. Nowadays, among many scholars it is believed that epidemic disease was the main cause of the population decline — the figure of 80% is mentioned related to those who may have died due to European diseases, such as chicken-pox and measles (Cook 94, 212).

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Articles related to Managerial Accounting Essay

Articles related to Managerial Accounting - Essay Example The cumulative cost, therefore, constitutes the job cost charged to the customer. The article successfully illustrates that a job order costing approach is utilized when the job in question is distinctive from other jobs or product batches. Just as learnt in the management accounting class, cost accounting is relatively simple in job order costing. This is because the cost of materials and labor are integrated on one job ticket. Further, other overhead costs are included in the total amount of money charged to a customer. The article clearly distinguishes job costing from process costing, by showing that their difference depends on the product being availed to a customer, hence the kind of production procedure followed. I therefore learned that while process costing involves charging costs incurred in the course of production, job costing involves charging a specific job. I also learned that, cost assignment strategies and record keeping in job order costing, have higher complexity than in process costing. This is especially the case, if there are multiple services or products being provided. Complexity is increased by the fact that different services or products result in different costs. This means that for high efficacy in job costing, a company must maintain detailed cost records for every job or product. Summary: This article recognizes the fact that in any business, there is a possibility of making profits, suffering losses or simply breaking even. The F&B establishment used as an example adopts a strategy of providing high quality soup at a fair price. Â  This means that the variable costs incurred are high because of using ingredients of high quality, yet the selling price stays at an average level. As a result, the contribution margin remains equally average. Therefore, fixed expenses and generate profit, the business compensates low margin with high sales volume. This involves making sure that its outlets are

Final research report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Final research report - Essay Example Additionally, the study concludes by providing some recommendations that ought to be implemented in order to enhance the success of the product in the market. The aim of this study was to examine the essence of a new product by Google referred to as Google Glass. In the past few years, provision of medical care in health centers has been associated with some challenges due to the advancement of some diseases and complications related to health. The issue of security has also been one of the key subjects in almost all organizations in the world. Performance of activities in fixed places has also been a source of worry for many years. For instance, many accidents in the world are as a result of multitasking. Majority of the drivers cause accidents of operating their Smartphones while driving. It is as a result of this that I saw it well to research on Google Glasses as well as advocate their introduction and usage in everyday activities. Google Glass was launched in 2012 by Google Company. However, its usage was not rampant because of lack of awareness, only a few people knew about Google Glasses leave its advantages to this technological world alone. This is evidenced by the fact that the use of the Glass was opposed by many people who knew nothing about their applicability in the current life. In tandem with this, I saw it well to provide some of the best features of Google Glass in this report so as to back up my choice of the product. Google Glass has the potential to record videos, as well as take pictures without incorporation of the hands. With this feature, one can record criminal activities as well as take photos of the persons behaving in a unique way. In other words, the Glass can aid significantly in combating crimes such as terrorism and other types of violence in a given environment. Google Glass also serves as means of communication. This is evidenced by the fact that users of Google Glasses can send messages and emails to each other via

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Articles related to Managerial Accounting Essay

Articles related to Managerial Accounting - Essay Example The cumulative cost, therefore, constitutes the job cost charged to the customer. The article successfully illustrates that a job order costing approach is utilized when the job in question is distinctive from other jobs or product batches. Just as learnt in the management accounting class, cost accounting is relatively simple in job order costing. This is because the cost of materials and labor are integrated on one job ticket. Further, other overhead costs are included in the total amount of money charged to a customer. The article clearly distinguishes job costing from process costing, by showing that their difference depends on the product being availed to a customer, hence the kind of production procedure followed. I therefore learned that while process costing involves charging costs incurred in the course of production, job costing involves charging a specific job. I also learned that, cost assignment strategies and record keeping in job order costing, have higher complexity than in process costing. This is especially the case, if there are multiple services or products being provided. Complexity is increased by the fact that different services or products result in different costs. This means that for high efficacy in job costing, a company must maintain detailed cost records for every job or product. Summary: This article recognizes the fact that in any business, there is a possibility of making profits, suffering losses or simply breaking even. The F&B establishment used as an example adopts a strategy of providing high quality soup at a fair price. Â  This means that the variable costs incurred are high because of using ingredients of high quality, yet the selling price stays at an average level. As a result, the contribution margin remains equally average. Therefore, fixed expenses and generate profit, the business compensates low margin with high sales volume. This involves making sure that its outlets are

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

State of the union review Movie Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

State of the union - Movie Review Example However, Obama hinted that a small number of American troops will be left in Afghanistan after 2014 to train afghan forces and to pursue any remnant of al Qaeda that may be remaining; the chance of this happening is solely dependent on the ability of the Obama administration to strike an agreement with Hamid Karza regime. President Obama also commented on the use of drones for military purposes where he said that they will only be used in foreign countries when need be and in such a way that the people of those countries will be comfortable with the actions. He went further ahead to comment on the Guantanamo bay prison which he wants closed and the prisoners transferred to other places. This comes after the new review boards held their second hearing on the closure of the facility and the transfer of more than 150 remaining prisoners. In his state of the union speech, president Obama also touched on the relationship of United States of America and Iran where he said that he would veto any new sanctions on Iran that the congress may bring before him since it may derail the talks on the country to abandon enrichment of uranium for making atomic bombs. Obama seemed to lean more on giving diplomacy a chance to end the crisis than using a more combative approach. He said this while dismissing his critics on the ability of his government to negotiate with Iran by comparing the situation with that of john F Kennedy and Soviet Union, which was more delicate. Obama praises the role that American diplomacy has played in ensuring global peace by rallying more than 50 countries to help prevent nuclear weapons from being used by terrorists while at the same time helping America reduce its reliance on such weapons that it had piled during the cold war (Friedman, 02). Obama went ahead to argue that it is because of American dip lomacy and the threat of using force

Monday, October 14, 2019

Robert Frosts “Mending Wall” Essay Example for Free

Robert Frosts â€Å"Mending Wall† Essay The â€Å"Mending Wall† by Robert Frost is forty five lines long and is structured into a single paragraph verse. There are no stanzas and visually looks like and metaphorical represents a wall. Frosts writes this poem in first person with the use of â€Å"I† which makes the poem narrative – as if the narrator is speaking directly to the reader. The intimate conversation happening between the narrator and the reader is further supported by the use of presence tense in the text of the poem and the casual speech of the narrator. The â€Å"Mending Wall† is literally about a physical wall that lies between his far and his neighbors farm. The narrator walks along the decaying wall describing in detail the nature and structure of the wall. He often compares the wall to himself and his neighbor. The narrator ponders again and again â€Å"what makes good neighbors†. The narrator plays with the idea that perhaps the wall between their farms is the key to a great relationship. This implies that for people to maintain a safe and proper relationship they must be isolate from each other. Through the use of vivid imagery Frost explores how people relate to each other and suffer through isolation. The central image in the â€Å"Mending Wall† is the wall itself. As the wall decays, the narrator and his neighbor repair, which maintains their relationship. However, the wall is also used by Frost as an symbol. The wall symbolism the metaphoric wall which human build to keep themselves safe and other out. Frost asserts that â€Å"There were it is we do not need the wall† (23) implying that while emotional wall exists, they are not needed. He believes that â€Å"something there is that doesnt love a wall† (1). Narrator cleverly explores that idea that if people were truthful with themselves they would have to confess they do not like the wall which separates one life from another. Perhaps this is the reason for the falling stones and the constant decay of the wall over time. Frost has the unique ability to bring together metaphysical thought and the beautiful New England landscape in rhyming text. There are several minor images within the poem which add to the mood and tone of the poem. The setting of the poem is springtime and can be seen in â€Å"frozen ground swell† (2), â€Å"spring mending time† (11), â€Å"in the sun† (3), and â€Å"spring is the mischief in me† (28). Spring is the time when life begins anew and there is great hope for the future. Frost, through the use of imagery, explores the theme of human isolation and asserts that â€Å"walls†, emotional or physical, need not exist. That â€Å"something† in the universe hates these walls and actively works to destroy them which is why the physical wall in the poem is in need of constant repair. Through the narrators casual speech, Frost advices the reader that perhaps he or she should take into consideration the subtle hints and let the walls between human souls be destroyed. Work Cited Frost, Robert. The Mending Wall Literature and the Writing Process. Comp. Elizabeth McHahan. New York: Prentice-Hall , 2005. 449.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Female Empowerment In Kerala

Female Empowerment In Kerala ABSTRACT : There has been a spate of discussions at various levels especially at the the top hierarchy of the successive governments with reference to apprehension of women empowerment in our country India. Besides it has also been a meeting point of contradicting themes that has resulted in a status quo. The women who stand to gain from governmental measures are already empowered and the vast majority of them, who mostly hail out from rural regions , are still regarded inferior to men in most spheres. In view of this the present paper makes an attempt to highlight how it contradicts as in the state of Kerala which has created a congenial atmosphere for the emergence of women empowerment and development of women entrepreneurship through Kudumbashree. ‘Kudumbashree’, which mean prosperity (shree)‘ of the family ( Kudumbam) is the name of the women oriented, community based, State Poverty Eradication Mission of Government of Kerala. Kerala is a tiny state lying in th e south-west part of Indian federation, where many development experiments are being tested, refined and implemented. The mission aims at the empowerment of women, through forming self-help groups and encouraging their entrepreneurial or other wide range of activities. The purpose of the mission is to ensure that the women should no longer remain as passive recipients of public assistance, but active leaders in women involved development initiatives. Keywords : women empowerment, contradicts , active leaders, Kerala OBJECTIVES : The present paper makes an attempt to highlight the success stories associated to women empowerment, initiatives taken, incentives provided by a unit named Kudumbashree operating widely in the state of Kerala. INTRODUCTION: Women in business is a recent phenomenon in India. They have confined themselves to petty business and tiny cottage industries. They are found in vegetable selling, making pickles, papads etc The spread of education and increased awareness are aiding women to spread their wings into the areas which were the monopoly of men. On the whole, proper education of women in Kerala resulted in high motivation among them to enter into business. The financial, marketing and training assistance provided by the State Government also helped motivate women to assume entrepreneurial career. Women’s desire to work at the place of residence, difficulty of getting jobs in the public and private sectors and the desire for social recognition also motivated women in Kerala for self –development. Kudumbashree was launched by the Government of Kerala in 1998 for wiping out absolute poverty from the State through concentrated community action under the leadership of Local Self Gov ernments, Kudumbashree is today one of the largest women-empowering projects in the country. The programme has 37 lakh members and covers more than 50% of the households in Kerala. Built around three critical components, microcredit,entrepreneurship and empowerment, the Kudumbashree initiative has today succeeded in addressing the basic needs of the less privileged women, thus providing them a more dignified life and a better future. Real empowerment occurs only when rights can be legitimately claimed and are universally acknowledged. It is the endeavor of Kudumbashree to bring the discussion on women’s rights and issues into the heart of the development debate. The organisational structure and capacity building programmes of kudumbashree attempt to develop the leadership capabilities and opportunities for intervention in development activities. The Gender Self Learning Programme is a unique experiment to consolidate womens voices and discuss gender disparities. OVERVIEW: The network of Kudumbashree projects across Kerala is beginning to bear fruits not only in the form of fiscal independence for women but also with a new found self confidence. Kerala is witnessing a silent revolution, spawning womanpower, possibly restoring to the State its lost matriarchal legacy, where the women enjoyed pre-eminence, safety, security and respect, including self-respect. This female empowerment is taking place through the Kudumbashree movement, which has engulfed the State. In Ernakulam district alone there are 19,2424 women in rural and urban areas contributing Rs. 22 crores through deposits to the State economy. Each member contributes Rs 10 a week, which is achieved through a phenomenal feat by trusting women, awakening their inherent saving instinct and abilities to achieve. From the thrift amount loans are granted to them which they return in just three weeks. Loans upto Rs. 26 crores are given to them. Earlier, they had no money of their own to spend or invest . Now they have achieved monetary empowerment, self-reliance and freedom, said Kabir B. Haroon, District Mission Co-ordinator of Kudumbashree in Ernakulam. When one re-scripts their earlier life scenario it is easy to recapture the anguish and trauma they would have experienced in situations, as when school opened. They had to buy bags, books, umbrellas etc. for their children and often they never had the money for it and had to borrow from blade companies, paying exorbitant interest. Now they say, quite proudly, that they are borrowing from their own investments. Similarly, they take loans from their own deposits to celebrate Onam, Christmas or Bakri id. Many of them say that they have lost their enslavement because they are not dependent on anyone anymore. Kudumbashree alone has collected Rs.230 crores as deposits and lent Rs 320 crores as loans. Across Kerala, Kudumbashree covers 991 panchayats and 58 municipalities. Through this network women have the freedom to demand, and to receive money without red tape. In fact, banks volunteer to lend money to Ayalkoottams. Like the Dhanalakshmi Bank, which plans to lend Rs.300 crores to Kudumbashree Ayalkoottams alone, testifying the credibility and investor confidence the women have inspired under the Kudumbashree network. Each Community Development Society (CDS) under the Kundumbasree project is an independent entity, registered under the Charitable Society Act, sans governmental interference. Everyone gets to share responsibility as office bearers, but not more than twice. There are health and education volunteers, infrastructure volunteers, income-generation volunteers, a secretary, and a president, who heads but does not rule. Since the role of Mayor or Panchayat president is limited, the women face no interference or influence from men, unlike in the Panchayat where political influences and husbands often rule by proxy. The women are free to present crucial issues like water, power or housing before the Grama Sabha under the Ayalkootam network. The flagship of the Ernakulam Kudumbashree is the Kuttampuzha tribal belt where the women are so empowered that they have been able to control the price line in the Kothamangalam belt and even ban arrack, both its brewing and consumption. The women engage jeeps to buy provisions and vegetables in bulk and sell them to members at the cheapest possible price, thus controlling the prices in the area. This is the impact of women in Kuttampuzha, Earlier, rice had to be distributed to adivasis to prevent starvation deaths. Now it is the Kudumbasree, which ensures that adivasis get their quota of rice. In this adivasi belt the thrift deposit amount is Rs. 44 lakhs and the loans amount to Rs. 80 lakhs. These poor women become conscious not only of fiscal saving but also about saying that they have effectively managed plastic ban by introducing cloth bags and have started using areca-nut frond (Paala) as plates at functions not only to boost plastic ban but also to protect the areca trees. Women have also taken over the sale of tender coconuts and have started manufacturing `Kerashree coconut oil.The snowball ice cream is another new and popular venture of these women. Made out of tender coconut, which is not slit open to extract the tender flesh, but is stirred inside and drunk, using a straw has gained popularity among foreign tourists. This project is under the aegis of Centre for Spices and Research, Government of India. IT SECTOR Women under the Kudumbasree have also entered the IT field through data entry and in assembling units. Kudumbashree computer centre has developed hardware for printing ration card, etc. Kudumbashree units also impart IT education in 158 schools in Kerala, with a Rs.10 crores grant from the Union Govt. Six girls in each unit acquire the skill to teach students of classes eight and nine, under this scheme. Kudumbashree women are acquiring computer literacy and also supply computer hardware to such schools. TOURISIM AND ALLIED SECTORS The Kudumbashree is having an impact across Kerala. In Fort Kochi, the beach is cleaned and maintained by the women, who collect Rs.1200 for it from the Tourism Department.They also maintain the heritage zone . Women have also stepped in to produce ethnic fast food with help from the Syndicate Bank. They manufacture bakery items and reach them directly to houses, as well as provisions, like rice, soaps tea etc; often earning up to Rs.16,000 a month. There are at least 450 women in this field, who have sold around Rs. 18 lakhs worth provisions during the 10 days of Onam collecting Rs.3,000 each in the bargain. DIRECT MARKETING Direct marketing has become the hallmark of Kudumbashree thus eliminating middlemen and ensuring that actual profits reach the producer. There are 45 direct marketing units in Ernakulam District. In all, Kudumbashree has effected a healthy change in the Kerala scenario. The women have become self-confident under it and they have regained their individuality and also gives an avenue to step out, to interact, to expand their horizons which is no more limited to the four walls of our homes. EMPOWERMENT STORIES UNDER THE ROOF OF KUDUMBASHREE NOW WOMEN CAN CLIMB COCONUT TREES (December 15,2009) Climbing coconut trees is considered to be the monopoly of men, and increasingly it is felt that there are fewer people to climb. These views may be a thing of the past as Kudumbashree and Raidco initiated a tree climbing training programme. A package has been developed, where the equipment costing Rs 2350 and which can climb even the most twisted coconut trees, is given together with a Scooty, mobile phone at a total cost of Rs 40000 for which a bank loan can be availed. Kudumbashree provides a subsidy of Rs 7500. The Panchayat also provides support for equipment purchase. Women from 90 Gram Panchayats took part in the training cum demonstration organized at the Mallapuram Municipal Compound. It takes two weeks of training and practice to master climbing trees with these equipment. The equipment is currently in use in Nedirippur- Harijan Colony, Chungattam and Edakari, where each person makes an average income of Rs 650 per day. Traditional climbers also find this equipment useful a nd found out that they don’t suffer from chest pain while using it. The equipment also has a mechanism whereby it can be locked and the top of the tree cleaned effectively. Technically professional climbers can work upto 110 trees in five hours. A WOMEN TURNS INTO A STORY MAKER It’s not often that an inborn talent becomes a business and a way of life. Ordinarily Jesse Thomas’ talent would not have been noticed, but many people know her today because of her unique ‘product’- books, which she writes and publishes. Not only does she write but also publishes, popularizes and builds a reader base for her books. Jesse Thomas is based in Thrissur. Her husband Thomas drives an autorickshaw, and she has two children-Justin and Tesse. Jesse started writing at the age of eleven. Her friends were her first readers and critics. She wrote about everyday life and things that she saw around her. With the encouragement of her teachers, her story was published in a magazine from Enrakulam, Pushparani ; when she was 13 years old. Thereafter six other stories were published, but her first book was published only in December 2008. For Jesse, who had to discontinue educated after the 9th standard to care for her siblings, this is remarkable perseveranc e. The lack of formal education was not detterent to her urge to tell stories, and she kept writing. Her mother supported the family by selling vegetables after father left his wife and five children in a state of penury. Jesse married Thomas when she was twenty yers. Thomas has been a source of strength and encouragement and has supported her efforts to write and publish. Jesse received support from the Thrissur Corporation under SJSRY with a loan of Rs 75000. With this she wrote and published the book â€Å" Jeevanude Vilakku Enniki Kittum† ( I will get the lamp of life ). Though her popularity increased and the sales were reasonable she still has unsold books and a loan to repay. She however did not give up and continues to write and publish. Jesse is the President of the Namma Neighbourhood Group in the 25th ward of Thrissur Corporation. It’s a common sight to see her books being displayed alongside pickles and dried products at the Kudumbashree monthly market. Jes se has learnt the challenges in publicity and sales through experience, but has the self –confidence to move forward. Her activity is unusual and is driven purely by her talent and enthusiasm, but with the right support, she could become a well known writer. . AN OFFERING OF TURMERIC IN HARIPADA Cultivation of turmeric is not widespread in Kerala. Seasonal rainfall and open land without shade is needed for turmeric cultivation. Middlemen take most of the profits and procedures with meager returns. Sixty women from several neighbourhood groups in Haripada Gram Panchayat in Allapuzha district, decided to take up turmeric cultivation. Turmeric is an offering at the Mannarashala temple of serpent gods which has several women devotees. The turmeric production is a joint initiative of Kudumbashree and the Panchayat under the Samagra initiative. Of the 60 women from five Gram Panchayats involved in this activity, 30 are engaged in cultivation and 30 in production of seeds. Each day 50kg of turmeric is harvested and supplied to the temple through an agency. The market is assured and they are not exploited by middlemen. It is hoped that as they gain confidence, the women will directly take up marketing activities as well. NEW WAYS TO ADDRESS MILK SCARCITY Nature Fresh is a new initiative of Kudumbashree for production of marketing of milk. It has been initiated in Edavetti Grama Panchayat in Idukki District and Kannadi Grama Panchayat in Palakkad District. 55 Kudumbashree enterprises across 14 wards of Kannadi village are involved in this enterprise. 50 women with dairy units of two cows each are engaged in milk production and 5 women are involved in sale of milk. These nterprises have been established at a cost of Rs 35.5 lakhs wherein Rs 16 lakhs has been provided by Palakkad Disatrict Panchayat and Rs 19 lakhs as bank loan. The integrated intervention addresses all stages of dairy management. Each dairy unit with two cows and calves has a shed of 430sq.ft. The floor is designed such that no dung or water stagnates, and is drained out effectively. The shed is well ventilated and easy to clean. There is also water storage facility in the shed. Each unit has an equipment box. All families are trained in scientific care of the animals. The milk is tested and must meet basic standards of 3.5% fat and lactometer reading of 28 for the milk to be accepted for marketing. The milk is bottled and sold to houses within an hour of milking. In Kerala which faces a scarcity of milk, the Nature Fresh experiment in Idukki district sets an example. Kudumbashree proposes to initiate the Nature Fresh initiative in two Gram Panchayats in all districts. GENDER SELF LEARNING PROGRAMME Kudumbashree have been working on a programme that aims at getting women to discuss the gender dimension of their issues. For this they had to break the mould of thrift and credit based discussions which alone were taking place, apart from the odd health or other dissemination .Locally contextualised modules on issues such as women and work, women and health, women and mobility, women and entertainment are developed and deliberated in Neighbourhood Group meetings. The different voices of women and their perceptions about the topics of discussion are captured on a web-based portal accessible at the level of the Local Self Government. The portal is being developed with the support of the Minister of Information Technology, Government of India Awareness building programmes seem not to leave any sustained impact. It was felt therefore that a learning process in which the women felt themselves to have a stake, and would be delivered not through trainings, but through discussions focusing on some aspect of their lives and livelihoods they could relate to, either through a story line, or through some other format- press cuttings, poems, skit etc. had to be the mode of delivery. State level consultations help identify the themes of the ‘learning modules’, The content for the learning modules are prepared by local women resource persons, who source the stories out of their own experiences for further contextualisation and development. Once the modules are developed, they are consolidated and disseminated by resource persons in the neighbourhood groups. Women are encouraged to ask questions about themes ranging from work and environment to health, power and power structure. Kudumbashree is actively involved in the myriad aspects of implementation of the programme, from job card registration through labour budgeting and work site facilitation to social audit. Moreover, it is the single rights based programme spearheaded by the state, which recognizes womenâ €™s work participation concerns as a matter of rights and equity. CONCLUSION : Today there is a great awakening among women. Given an opportunity, they will deliever the results. Empowerment of women is absolutely necessary in straightening her personality. The need of an hour is to provide an opportunity in a conducive atmosphere free from gender difference. The need for awareness motivationto be an active member of the society and courage the faults of male counterparts are great challenges today. The above paradigm is about inclusive growth through self-employment opportunities that every strata in our society can access influencing a transformational change in delievering self-sustaining profitability. REFERENCES : 1) Vasant Desai (2011)(Ed) , â€Å"The Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and Management†- Planning for Future Sustainable Growth, Himalaya Publishing House 2) S.S Khanka (2001)(Ed), ‘Entrepreneurial Development’- S. Chand Publications 3) The Hindu – Online edition of India National Newspaper on Monday , Nov 03 ,2003

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Objective of Total Quality Management Essay -- Total Quality Manag

The Objective of Total Quality Management Total Quality Management(TQM) is an organisational process that actively involves every function and every employee in satisfying customers needs, both internal and external. TQM works by continuously improving all aspect of work through structured control, improvement and planning activities that are carried out in concern with guiding ideology that focuses on Quality and Customer Satisfaction as the top priorities. There has been many arguments that TQM succeeds only by incorporating a concern about quality for the customers throughout the organisation. The truth of this statement and those facts that disagree with this statement will be look into and discuss in more detail to achieve the success of TQM. TQM recognises that the Customer is at the center of every activity. The customer may be external or internal. The key is to determine the gap between what the customer needs and what the system delivers. Once the gap is recognised, it would be systematically reduced and results in never-ending improvement in customer satisfaction at every level. TQM depends on and creates a culture in an organisation which involves everybody in quality improvement. Everyone in the company can affect quality but must first realise this factor and have the techniques and tools which are appropriate for improving quality. Thus TQM includes the marketing and dissemination of quality and methods not only within the organisation and customers but also to suppliers and other partners. The general view to achieve success in TQM could be summarised as below: Quality as strength Quality in all processes The importance of management The involvement, commitment and responsibility of everybody Continuous improvement Zero defects Focus on prevention rather than inspection Meeting the needs of target customers Recovery Benchmarking A prerequisite for successful quality improvement is first, to understand how quality is perceived and valued by customers. 4 ‘Q' Design Quality Technical Quality Production Quality Delivery Quality Functional Quality Relational Quality Image Experiences Expectation Customer Perceived Quality ... ...ccess. Ownership and the Elements of Self-Management Total quality programmes are founded on the principal that people want to own the problems, the process, the solution and ultimately the success associated with the quality improvement. Psychologically, the ownership advocated by TQM ties in the development in organisational design away from traditional models of imposing management control over employees' behaviour. Recognition and Rewards TQM system considers the rewards and recognition to be critical to a company's programme, particularly when greater involvement of staff is required. Positive reinforcement through recognition and rewards is essential to maintain achievement and continuous improvement through participative problem-solving projects. The Quality Delivery Process TQM is not just the awareness of quality for the customers. It demands the implementation of a new system. Finally, the main objective of TQM may put the customer at the center of every activity and consider the process as customer driven, but all other factors which do not involve the customers have to be taken into consideration for the successful implementation of TQM.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Life Without Internet

Many people say that the Internet is the most important invention ever. Do you agree or disagree with this and if not, what do you believe to be more important? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. What Like Would Be Life Without Internet? Many people say that the Internet is the most important invention ever, and I definitely belive that it is true. Since the first artificial satellite, the Sputnik, was launched to the space, the world has never been the same. Nowadays computer is so affordable that in every home you can find one. What is more, the Internet connects people all around the world, and allow to make on-line businesses transactions and prove a special kind of education. Computers did not exist a century ago and people had happy lives without them . Nowadays, we take computers for granted and nothing can exist without them . Life would stop without computers. You wouldn’t even think how many common products are operated by computers. Our cars, microwave ovens, wristwatches and thousands of other gadgets. Appearing the Internet you can search on www – means World Wide Web – for information when you have to some. There are millions of websites storing an endless number of data. You can find many dozens of information about everything on the Internet. E. g. History, Animals, Plants, Nature, Music,famous people etc. There are countless of services available on the net. What is more you can download music, films, listen to foreign radio stations, play games, read and subscribe newspapers and magazines and you can even purchase or sell various products , order food,. In addition you can transfer money through the Internet, and learn languages on-line on several web pages and practise English because most users speak the language. You can keep in touch with friends or other people from other countries to write them e-mails if you have an e-mail access and it is very fast . The list is endless, and I honestly like to use it because as I have experienced I always get to useful information through the Internet ,e. g. practise my English and gain knowledge about healthy life. And luckily, I also have some good experience in connection with buying products on the Net. Thus, it always contributes for my life with a beneficial way. In conclusion, the above mentioned reasons I strongly believe that it is evitable nowadays to use the Internet. All in all besides entertainment using Internet is not only a pleasure pastime but also a way of education and also a workplace which let us to live a more convenient life. If you have a small laptop or a notebook that you can take anywhere , it is like an office in your briefcase,and it is very comfortable and saves you a lot of time. And if you use it only with awereness and only for its advantageous and positive aspects than you will be sure that it serves your development for a better life.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

E-Manufacturing: A Technology Review

Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2008 Vol II WCE 2008, July 2 – 4, 2008, London, U. K. E Manufacturing a Technology Review Dr. H. K. Shivanand, Nanjundaradhya N. V, Prabhakar Kammar, Divya shree S, Keshavamurthy YC. Abstract: With a rapid change in technology especially in the manufacturing sector, customers are demanding more value, less risk, and better integration of products, hence there is a need to change the manufacturing strategies, which can result in improved performance thereby meeting the customer demands. This paper critically reviews a new area to overcome the above problem called â€Å"E – Manufacturing† which can integrate customers, products and suppliers with the help of Internet Technology. The concept of E – Manufacturing, its development, tools and potential benefits are discussed along with application examples on Automobiles. Areas like E – Maintenance, E – Diagnostics, E – Business related to E – Manufacturing is also discussed. By adopting such a manufacturing technique zero downtime, reduced product error, customer satisfaction, quick manufacturing changes can be accomplished. In addition the concept of E-Manufacturing applied to the manufacture of gears is also discussed there by providing better understanding of this process. like ERP, MES, SCADA, and even newer acronyms like Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) are communicating with each other, and sharing data through internet connections. II. EVOLUTION OF E MANUFACTURING For decades, the dominant manufacturing model was based on principles of mass production [2]. Standardized parts and processes made economies of scale achievable, but limited design flexibility and customization. The outsourcing and lean manufacturing movements of the 1980s and 1990s drove the emergence of a new paradigm, termed the Quality Management era. Manufacturing companies, particularly large Original Equipment Manufacturers’ (OEM) outsourcing shifts critical elements of the design and production process onto a manufacturer’s supply chain. The lean manufacturing movement places a premium on time and inventory reduction. Combining the attributes of the Quality era suggests a very different business model for manufacturing – enterprise integration or E-Manufacturing. In the E-Manufacturing era, companies will be able to exchange information of all types with their suppliers at the speed of light. III. E MANUFACTURING E-Manufacturing can be most cogently and generally described as the application of the Internet to Manufacturing [3], further E-Manufacturing is becoming popular with the increased use of the internet. Due the widespread availability of the Internet; large-scale distributed projects in manufacturing are becoming popular. It is the methodology and framework for collaborative Virtual Manufacturing. The ability to exchange information and automate manufacturing processes forms the building blocks of the virtual manufacturing companies of the near future. It covers all aspects of manufacturing – sales, marketing, customer service, new product development, procurement, supplier relationships and logistics manufacturing strategy development and so on. As a result, it is now so much easier to allow certain people gain access to certain sections of the system, according to whatever criteria they like; maintenance people need certain parts of the data, but not others; operators would be able to access a limited number of devices; managers would be allowed to monitor, but not change anything, etc. New technologies such as the Extensible Markup Language (XML) are now making it easier to share data between different application programs, and to set up computers to take actions based on criteria †¹ for instance, to order supplies when inventories reach a critical low point. The E-Manufacturing WCE 2008 Index Terms— E – Manufacturing, E – Maintenance, E – Diagnostics, Automobile, Gears. I. INTRODUCTION F manufacturing companies what matters more is that how efficiently their company can compete globally with others as an organization followed by meeting the day to day requirements of the customer and exchange of hassle free information while not focusing only on sales of the company [1]. Today’s customers provide top priority for money, better quality and less risk. In order to cater to the needs of the customer, manufacturing companies have adopted a new technique called E Manufacturing. It is concerned with the use of the Internet and E-Business technologies in manufacturing industries wherein a network can be established between the customer, the manufacturer and the product. The internet offers a frictionless path for exchange of information. The concepts of E-Maintenance, E-Business, E Diagnostics and ECare have led to the formation of an E-Factory which can produce quality products at remarkable speeds. In short, the customer is just a click away from a business deal. Within manufacturing concerns, the various enterprise-wide systems OR today’s Manuscript received October 11, 2007. H. K. Shivanand is with the University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering , Bangalore, Karnataka, INDIA 560001 phone: 918022961887 e-mail: Shivanand. [email  protected] gmail. com Prabhakar Kammar, is working at MVJ College of Engineering, Bangalore Nanjundaradhya N. V is working at RV College of Engineering, Bangalore Divya shree S is working at BEL, Bangalore. Keshavamurthy YC, ME (Manufacturing Sc &Engg), UVCE, Bangalore. ISBN:978-988-17012-3-7 Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2008 Vol II WCE 2008, July 2 – 4, 2008, London, U. K. technique also affects products as well since it is possible to use Internet technologies to add new product functions and to provide new services. The Internet is being used even at the shop floor level. For instance, computer numerical control devices (CNC’s) can be connected via intranets or the Internet to ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), production planning, or maintenance systems. As such, the E-Manufacturing project aims to develop an appropriate framework for a common platform to enable distributed planning and control in manufacturing for quicker, easier, secure and cost-effective collaborations. The developed system will allow dispersed engineering team members to work together productively, as if they were under one roof. This transformation of the enterprise coincides with the increasing content of information contained in products and processes. This new production enterprise is information-rich. The major functions and objectives of e-manufacturing are: (a) provide a transparent, seamless and automated information exchange process to enable an only handle information once (OHIO) environment; (b) improve the utilization of plant floor assets using a holistic approach combining the tools of predictive maintenance techniques; (c) links entire SCM operation and asset optimization; and (d) deliver customer services utilizing the latest predictive intelligence methods and Tether-free technologies [4] Fig 2: Before Implementing E Manufacturing Fig 3: After Implementing E Manufacturing IV. E MANUFACTURING TOOLS Implementation of the E-Manufacturing tools results in cost saving, regardless of the company size. E-Manufacturing tools enable connectivity among the various modules of the manufacturing process. Areas where the E-Manufacturing tools need to be developed are listed below [5 – 9]. Data and information transformation tool: The large amounts of raw data collected during a manufacturing process are rendered useless, unless the data is gathered and transformed into some useful information which may be used to monitor a system. To understand this better a simple example is taken below. Consider a CNC machine hooked to the Internet as shown in Figure 4. It shows the way data and information are transformed from the machine to the internet. Here the idea is to monitor the health of the tool [life of the tool] fixed in the CNC machine. This technique can also be used to calibrate a machine from the Internet. Fig 1 Evolution of E Manufacturing (Source NACFAM) The contrast between the traditional system and the system with E-Manufacturing is indicated below [3] ISBN:978-988-17012-3-7 WCE 2008 Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2008 Vol II WCE 2008, July 2 – 4, 2008, London, U. K. Fig 4: Tool Monitoring in a CNC Machine Using Internet. Prediction Tools: Apart from data being gathered, certain tools need to be developed, which can predict or detect the degradation of various parts of the machine, performance loss and trend of failure. Developing a tool which monitors these aspects could set the trend for an advanced diagnostic system. Optimization Tools: As far as E-Manufacturing is concerned data can be accessed from any part of the globe at any time. Hence certain tools need to be developed which can optimize the data and provide easy to read results. For example, these tools should be able to provide the performance of a drill bit for various drilling operation verses time, temperature, tool tip failure with various materials etc. Synchronization Tools: This is an important tool in the E-Manufacturing environment, which can associate various groups such as customer’s suppliers and manufacturers, where first hand information needs to be sent to these groups during emergencies, for example – if tool needs a replacement or tool has worn out then the information is sent from first the manufacturer to the supplier and tool maker where the tool can be assessed for performance. The new connectivity and communications tools will boost productivity, profits, speed to market, and flexibility for those manufactures who are willing to upgrade. Some of the common E-manufacturing tools are SMS, E Mail, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Fax and Infrared Connectivity. V. E MAINTENANCE Progressive plant executives, maintenance managers, and work planners have always wanted to have information about the condition of equipment assets at their fingertips when they need it. Unfortunately, it typically is scattered among separate information systems. It is difficult to view, compile and synchronize the different information types on the same computer terminal. If one wants to maximize business continuity by increasing device up-time and minimize the time, costs and headaches associated with device administration he must adopt the E-Maintenance strategy. It is a network that integrates and synchronizes the various maintenance and reliability applications to gather and deliver asset information where it is needed, when it is needed. Interconnectivity of the islands of maintenance and reliability information is embodied in E-Maintenance. The EMaintenance network can be developed from a collection of information islands by using a single proprietary system, a custom bridge, or by using an open systems bridge. EMaintenance also removes the need for manual meter readings that is your device administration is virtually reduced to nil. It is estimated that 15- 40% of indirect costs of manufacturing is maintenance related. About 50% are unnecessary corrective maintenance, which costs 10-15 times more than predictive maintenance. Furthermore, 25% of maintenance is preventive, which is 3-5 times more expensive then predictive. An effective E-Manufacturing strategy uses predictive maintenance techniques to forecast equipment wear and predict failure. Apart from this, it also alerts MRO managers to unexpected problems. This allows managers to proactively correct problems, thus maximizing the use of machinery and personnel while minimizing preventive maintenance expenses. Predicting the reliability of plant-floor equipment can be the difference between a few minutes of preventive maintenance and hours or days of downtime for corrective maintenance. Ultimately, predictive maintenance, computerized maintenance management systems or CMMS, and effective utilization of maintenance specialists make E Manufacturing work. VI. E DIAGNOSTICS E-Diagnostics is the reactive and proactive remote diagnosis, maintenance and repair of equipment by service personnel. EDiagnostics offers many businesses the promise of better equipment reliability and performance at a much lower cost. It is the hardened, reliable acquisition of time-stamped, highspeed information from the tool registers and ancillary data points, database retention and management, parsing and analysis. A complete E-Diagnostics solution would include the following: (a) Remote capture, transmission, analysis and dissemination of equipment performance data. (b) Remote takeover of equipment to manipulate equipment settings during and after repair. (c) A trigger for replenishing spare parts. (d) Faster and more effective response to field service engineering requests, bringing the experts remotely to the problem. (e) Reduced equipment and process variation, through better visibility and response to differences in equipment performance among machines. ISBN:978-988-17012-3-7 WCE 2008 Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2008 Vol II WCE 2008, July 2 – 4, 2008, London, U. K. (f) Preventive response to pending equipment failures through the use of advanced process control (real-time multivariate statistical analysis). (g) Enhanced next-generation tool development through improved awareness of deficiencies in current equipment designs. Traditional E-Diagnostics systems monitor tool performance and provide â€Å"maintenance needed† alerts to service and engineering personnel. Much more can be derived from the rich sensor data generated as wafers pass through process chambers. This step in E-Diagnostics is to employ proven enterprise data mining (EDM) techniques to correlate device yield and performance with the vast amount of tool-level and wafer-level chamber sensor data. With this new approach, yield and process-level issues can be uncovered down to a particular sensor reading on a specific tool process chamber. Once a specific tool issue can be identified to have an impact on process results, specific E-Diagnostics monitors can be targeted to prevent future yield and process excursions, completing a closed loop process learning effort. The steps to be followed to implement the E Diagnostics strategy in an industry are as shown below. maintenance programme. Computerized maintenance management systems optimize the deployment of all maintenance, repair, and operating (MRO) resources, such as people, spare parts, tools and facilities, and allow the creation of a planned maintenance programme for all assets. EProcurement allows the replacement of stock with information and offers direct access to spares at lowest cost. For the successful application of E-Manufacturing there must exist a partnership between the supplier and the customer. The goal is to deploy best practices in e-business processes as quickly and effectively as possible while ensuring a quantifiable return on investment (ROI). The benefits of adopting E business strategy are; (a) Quick installation of software updates with no need for expensive integration projects. (b) One enterprise wide view of the customer, product or process. (c) Global deployment from one instance of the software, making all applications accessible globally via a standard Web browser. (d) Simplified systems and maintenance for IT staff due to the one-vendor approach. e) Streamlined business processes. (f) Better decision-making and business intelligence because of the single-database architecture and preintegrated applications and rapid deployment at lower cost. VIII. AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY AND GEARS Every automobile industry has an umpteen number of divisions, each division manufacturing a particular system of the automobile- like the steering system, brake system, engine, suspens ion, chassis and body, interiors, safety division, quality control division, etc. With so many departments working towards the creation of the same end product, a lot of time and money is spent in redesigning and related cases which may arise due to inefficient data transfer or delayed transfer of important information between the departments. Such a problem can be sorted out by implementing the EManufacturing strategy into the industry. The internet can be used to share data and information between various departments and between manufacturers worldwide. Data sharing can be extensively used between the head office and the various branches and service centers of a company which may be located at different locations around the globe. For example, if a component is found defective in one of the branches the information is relayed immediately to the other branches warning them to arrest the production of that component immediately. As a result of this, huge amounts of time, material and money are saved. The internet is a means of communication between production engineers, the manufacturing engineers, and the design engineers. Adopting this new technique can reduce the complexity of the part, without jeopardizing performance. Using CAE tools in the design process may have a profound impact on savings. In many cases, the virtual prototype is a much more accurate representation of what we designed than the physical Fig 5: E Diagnostics VII. E BUSINESS In today’s world it’s the â€Å"Time Factor† that can make or break an industry. Gone are the days of buying different applications from a host of technology vendors and spending countless months and dollars integrating them. Increasingly, the customers are demanding more customized products, faster delivery schedules, and instant access to order status. Results have to be assessed in financial terms, with return on net assets or return on capital employed, the key measure. EBusiness promises a solution to this customer demanding market. Automated scheduling provides a better method of managing production orders and increases the visibility of current and future scheduling activities. Tracking involves the collection, analysis, viewing and reporting of production data. To get the best productivity from the assets deployed, three main areas need to be addressed: Condition based maintenance; computerized maintenance management; EProcurement. Condition-based maintenance predicts the deterioration of assets that allows the planning of maintenance actions more effectively and monitors the effectiveness of the ISBN:978-988-17012-3-7 WCE 2008 Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2008 Vol II WCE 2008, July 2 – 4, 2008, London, U. K. prototype. Apart from adopting this strategy in the production line it can also be used in the maintenance program of an automobile. For example, if you only repair your car when it breaks down, you face costly corrective maintenance. A preventive maintenance schedule, based on the manufacturer's recommendations, may prevent breakdowns. Preventive maintenance is possible using E-Diagnostics. When a car is taken in for servicing, it is hooked onto the diagnostic computer which indicates existing problems. Moreover the service centers are constantly hooked up to the internet and are updated on availability of spares, latest trends in servicing and solutions to commonly occurring problems. All this information is made available from their counterparts from around the world. To add to this the entire service history of the vehicle is uploaded to the net so that it is made available to all of the company’s service centers around the globe which will help identify the status of the vehicle wherever and whenever one wants to service it. Gears form an important component in most machines as well as in automobiles. Today’s Customers demand a multitude of gears in a short span of time, without any compromise on quality. The solution to this challenge is E Manufacturing. One can hook up the gear manufacturing machine to the net. It offers fully integrated production control software for estimating, order and job control, job travelers, scheduling, data collection, inventory control, purchasing, work center loading and cost accounting. Various design parameters can be entered by the customer and modifications may also be made until the last minute. Once the system is in place economic and efficient manufacture of gears is imminent. 1. Synchronize Production Processes with Business Processes. . Orchestrate Upstream Flows of Work, Information, and Material. 3. Automate Business Processes & Workflows within the Enterprise 4. Give Control to Managers with Plant Information & Analysis Tools. 5. Integrate the Design Process among All Collaborating Parties. 6. Leverage Bi-directional Down-stream Information. 7. Enable Collaborative Maintenance and Manufacturing Support. X. CONCLUSION This paper discussed cer tain key areas and subsets of the E-Manufacturing strategy which when implemented will yield priceless benefits to an industry that implements it. Further the concept of an E-Factory promises greater increase in productivity and performance, while at the same time decreases production costs. However, for E-Manufacturing to be a success, co-operation between various public and private sector organizations is mandatory. This new thinking paradigm to integrate web-enabled and predictive intelligence for manufacturing systems is becoming a new benchmark strategy for manufacturing companies to compete in the twenty-first century. REFERENCES [1] [2] White paper â€Å"Making sense of E-Manufacturing: A Road map for manufacturers Industry† Rockwell Automation. 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